New Work: Zig-zag Vase

Zig-zag vase
Zig-zag vase

This vase uses my recently developed bends to create a zig-zag bend somewhat reminiscent of my diagonal shift series. I like taking simple, elegant vase and bowl forms and adding surprising elements that look almost impossible to create from a single uncut rectangle of paper. Unlike most of my diagonal shift pieces, I decided to align the painted sections across the bend in this piece.

As usual, I painted the paper before folding this model, and I was able to align the painted sections within about 1 mm. That’s pretty good alignment for how far apart the three painted sections are on the full sheet of paper. Each of the two bends hides quite a bit of paper inside the model. The 90-degree bends are a bit harder to fold than the smaller-angle bends I’ve tried before, but they still require a lot less fighting with the paper than the diagonal shifts do.

Painted paper
Painted paper


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