Another piece in my series of lacy vases. After a bunch of increasingly complicated models, I decided to pare things back. This vase only has only a handful of straight-line folds, and the entire surface of the paper is visible (except for the base). The model is square at the top and bottom and octagonal in the middle, and I used the angled panels transitioning between the two as black lacy contrast panels. I like the simplicity here where the lace pattern is able to stand out more, as a contrast to my more complex pieces where the lace is one of many design elements.
It’s a little tricky to see, but the view of the inside gives a bit of a view of how I created the lace. For this pattern, I drew curved lines with a pencil, erasing and re-drawing until I was happy with the overall pattern. Then, I cut out the areas between the drawn lines, leaving ~1 mm margin between the pencil line in the middle and my cut line. That means the black lines that are left after the cutting are ~2 mm wide. I like leaving the traces of my work process on the inside of the vase as reminder that this is all handcrafted and not machine-made.