New work: Diamond-edged bowl

I’ve played with folding tessellations on and off for quite while, but never had a lot of success combining them into my bowls and vases (my last attempt from 2015 has been lovingly nicknamed the Easter grenade). This bowl is a new and more successful attempt along those lines.

Diamond-edged vase

The bowl is folded from a circle of Elephant Hide paper, and the tessellation grid for the diamonds is a modified triangle grid follows that curved edge. The radial lines were fairly straightforward to set up, except that it’s a bit tedious to divide the edge of a circle into 160 equal segments. The other sets of lines are slightly curved so that all the triangles are close enough to equilateral to collapse correctly in the folded model. The grid is only on the outer rim of the paper, which lets the lower part of the bowl curve smoothly. The tessellation itself is fairly simple – basically pairs of rhombus twists that are aligned to look like a row of vertical diamonds.

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