I’ve folded quite a few pieces in my Diagonal Shift series recently, and this piece is the latest addition to the series. In all of my previous pieces in the series, I’ve either used only one diagonal shift element or used two diagonal shifts in the same plane. In this piece, the two diagonal shifts are rotated 90 degrees from each other, and the painted designs follow the same pattern rotation. Keeping track of the rotation made this piece especially challenging to design, particularly drawing the crease pattern onto the paper.
It’s interesting to see how this piece came out. Since most of the pieces in this series have all their angles in the same plane, there are a few very interesting viewing angles, but the other views don’t add much of anything. But this piece has a more complicated geometry in three dimensions. It’s hard to pick a view to photograph because there isn’t any one angle that shows the full shape (more views below). Seeing the relationships between the shapes from a variety of angles make the piece more interesting to look at in real life.